After a 10 year hiatus, Masterworks once again performed Lily and the Gypsies. This is an original story ballet, written...
Archive for tag: Lily and the Gypsies
Lily and the Gypsies Performance Photos
On Friday and Saturday, October 7th and 8th, Masterworks presented it’s original ballet, Lily and the Gypsies at the Sandler...
Lily and the Gypsies – Gypsy Dance
Lily and the Gypsies is a story ballet about a beautiful young girl who suffers the loss of her parents and...
Lily and the Gypsies – Lily
Lily and the Gypsies is a story ballet about a beautiful young girl who suffers the loss of her parents and...
Joshua Whitehead
Masterworks is proud to announce Joshua Whitehead will once again be starring in its upcoming original production, Lily and the...
Audition – Lily and the Gypsies
Masterworks will hold an open audition for casting Lily & the Gypsies Masterworks will present “Lily and the Gypsies” at...